Sell or keep an apartment building?


In a series of articles, we provide tips and considerations for those who want to or need to sell their apartment house or rental house, i.e. a multi-family house, or are basically considering such a thing. Even though we are real estate trustees in Austria, our tips apply generally in German-speaking countries for anyone selling an apartment building.

It should also be noted that we also offer a free initial consultation on the topics presented. 

Sell Apartment House Blog

Sell or keep an apartment building?

In our blog series, we offer valuable tips and considerations for owners who are considering selling or keeping their apartment building. Our expertise as real estate trustees in Austria informs every piece of advice we give - and this applies not only to Austria or your apartment building in Vienna, but to the entire German-speaking region. Whether you want or need to sell an apartment building, we will support you with our in-depth knowledge.

Selling an apartment building: Reasons and possibilities

There are many reasons to sell an apartment building or rental house: from personal life changes such as divorce or inheritance to financial bottlenecks or the desire to retire from management. Selling an apartment building in Vienna can provide relief, as the operation is often costly and time-consuming, including refurbishment, loss of rent, and extensive administrative work.

On the other hand, selling an apartment building is not always the best option. Apartment buildings, especially historic buildings, can be a stable investment, especially in uncertain economic times. Many tasks can be outsourced to specialized service providers, allowing you to continue to benefit from the increase in value.

Flexible sales strategies for your apartment building in Vienna

  • Partial sale: Sell parts of the house, keep your own apartment or offer it for rent. This requires the establishment of condominium ownership and a clear regulation of future costs.

  • Right of residence: A permanent right of residence entered in the land register secures you lifelong living without further costs.

These considerations show: Careful planning and advice are crucial. Our experts for the sale of apartment buildings and rental houses in Vienna are on hand to help you make the best decision.

Our customized service on site: Sell your apartment building in Vienna in Vienna

Would you like to find out more or take advantage of a free initial consultation on the sale of your apartment building in Vienna? Contact us today and secure professional support for the sale of your apartment building in Vienna.


Or would you like some free, no-obligation advice on your apartment building? Or would you like an estimate of the value of your apartment building?
Then simply contact us.


How to find suitable buyers for your apartment building


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